Sunday, February 17, 2013

Boundary Waters with the Day Brothers

Mark and I had to "move in" with Paul and Janice for 2 weeks this summer. Helen and Duane Mathias' daughter came back for a visit and we let her be in her parents house uninterrupted. Mark and I have been "house sitting" for her parents while they are on a mission in California for 1 year. We have been so blessed to be in their home.

.............So we "moved" to Paul and Janice's and were grateful for their hospitality and glad we didn't have to pay for a motel for 2 weeks. THANKS :)

After being at Paul and Janice's for a week, Mark and ALL of his brothers went on a trip up to the boundary waters. For those people who don't have a clue what the "boundary waters" are I've copied what the "all knowing Wikipedia" says about it.

 "The Boundary Waters is a region of wilderness straddling the Canada/US border between Ontario and Minnesota,  in the region just west of Lake Superior. The Boundary Waters region is characterized by a vast network of waterways and bogs within a glacially carved landscape.  The Boundary Waters is a popular destination for recreationalists pursuing camping, canoeing, fishing as well as for those simply looking for natural scenery and relaxation. The area is one of several distinct regions in Minnesota"

...........So off my hubby went with his brothers for a week with all there food packed and a couple canoes. Emmalee came up from Iowa and stayed for the week  while our husbands canoed. When I wasn't at work we had a good time hanging out, going on walks, going shopping etc.

Here are some pics from Mark's Boundary Water excursion.

One of the campsites....I don't suppose they could have found a harder surface to put the tent on?!?

Mark and Mike

It looks pretty

How they got around for a whole week at "sea"

Phil and Russ got some fish

They canoed from point A to point B. Or around about. That's A LOT of canoeing!

The Day Boys: Jon, Matt, Mark, Russ, Phil, Mike, Steve, Scott

Scott and Mark

The whole crowd again

I guess that's how you carry a canoe

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